Run Coaching

Designed For You.



North Coast Running originated with a simple desire to inspire distance athletes to reach their full potential. Comprised of a team of expert coaches, we have a passion for helping runners of all abilities achieve their goals.

Our enduring principles:

  • Eyes North | run with purpose and stay positive

  • Chase the Treeline | our call to action to explore unchartered territory and ignite your human spirit

  • Listen to your body | you will show up at the starting line feeling strong and confident when you listen to your body

  • Consistency is key | consistent training + rest builds strength and resilience both physically and mentally

  • Trust the process | we’ll take the guessing out of the process and help you feel confident in your training

If you’re looking to take that next step in your training journey, we would love to come alongside you to help you reach your summit. Let’s head North as we test our physical limits and push the boundaries of possibility!

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Your Race. Your Plan.

Our Services.

  • Personalized Run Coaching | tailored training plans designed specifically for your race or training goals - we coach athletes of all abilities from beginner runners to elite marathoners, trail runners and ultramarathoners.

  • Trail & Ultra Coaching | personalized trail coaching for those interested in chasing the treeline on trail or going the extra mile in an ultramarathon.

  • RUN NORTH SUMMER XC | 8-week summer off-season training program in the Twin Cities metro designed for youth athletes to train in a small group setting with expert coaches. We also offer virtual individualized off-season coaching plans for high school runners.

  • RUN NORTH | in-person form & efficiency sessions with video analysis. *Twin Cities & Marquette, MI markets

  • North Coast Extras | running specific strength, mobility, core, drills & strides included in every plan.

  • Race Strategy | race selection, strategy & nutrition plan to ensure you are prepared physically & mentally on race day.

Training Plan Packages.



  • monthly personalized training plan in FinalSurge

  • bimonthly check-ins

  • unlimited texts & emails

  • race strategy & competition plan

  • North Coast Extras

  • 5% discount | 3-5 months paid upfront

  • 10% discount | 6+ months paid upfront

$175 / month

Northern Lights.

  • monthly personalized training plan in FinalSurge

  • monthly check-ins

  • unlimited texts & emails

  • race strategy & competition plan

  • North Coast Extras

  • 5% discount | 3-5 months paid upfront

  • 10% discount | 6+ months paid upfront

$125 / month

Run North.

75 minute in-person session focused on:

  • run economy, form, drills & efficiency

  • running specific strength & mobility

  • video analysis and evaluation of form

  • North Coast Extas

    *Twin Cities & Marquette, MI markets only

$150 / private session

Join the team.

North Coast Events.

North Coast Running aims to develop authentic community with our athletes and friends of North Coast. Here are some events we’ve been priviledged to host and/or partner on. What will North Coast Running be up to next..


Five teams of five runners took to the iconic Grandma’s Marathon course in an unsanctioned marathon relay from Two Harbors to Duluth. The Gophers took home the inagural Paul Bunyan axe in 2024. Who will take the crown in 2025?

Nordie J.

Hand painted by our friends at Sharp Sign Co, Nordie J. the 1967 Mobile Scout brings our vision for authentic community to life. You’ll find her touring the Midwest showcasing pop-up shops, coffee collabs, group runs & unsanctioned races. We can’t wait for you to meet her in person :)

Storm summit 2024

Five Runners. Five Miles. One Avenue. Teams of five runners stormed Summit Avenue in a five-by-mile relay kicking off Twin Cities Marathon weekend. The first team to the Cathedral of St. Paul took home bragging rights for a year.